New York Stereoscopic Association

Dedicated to the Art, Science & Enjoyment of Stereography in every form.


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  • Fuji W3

    Fuji W3

    The Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W3, commonly referred to as the Fuji W3, is a compact digital camera designed to capture stereoscopic 3D photos and videos, offering a unique experience for photography enthusiasts. Released in August 2010 as a successor to the Fuji W1, it was Fujifilm’s second venture into consumer 3D cameras and introduced…

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  • Kando QooCam Ego

    Kando QooCam Ego

    The Kandao QooCam EGO is a compact, innovative 3D stereoscopic camera designed to capture photos and videos with a sense of depth, mimicking how human eyes perceive the world. Released by Kandao Technology, a company known for its work in 360-degree and VR cameras, the QooCam EGO stands out as a unique offering in the…

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